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Recovery Program

With love and support from other recovering residence and staff, women in the Casa Solana program are encouraged to examine different aspects of their lives, including their:


-Relationship to alcohol and drugs

-Recovery planning/ relapse prevention

- General health issues such as smoking, sex education, parenting, nutrition, dental and personal hygiene

- Self esteem, assertiveness and communication

-Family life/ spiritual

- Continuing education/ job development


Social model programs emphasize experiential learning, rather than education, as the road to recovery. People with the most experience in recovery serve as role models and are held in great esteem. Here, an individuals primary relationship is with other residence, staff and volunteers. because everyone is encouraged to actively participate in each others recovery, social model programs are usually described as peer oriented. residence at Casa Solana monitor and govern themselves through the process of residence councils.

An important aspect of a social model is to help participants learn how to utilize such community resources as social service agency's, hospitals, government programs, mental health clinics and support groups. This allows each person to become independent and eventually to return to mainstream society.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

©2019 Casa Solana, Inc.

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